Resilient response

step change

The green new deal

Around the world governments are intervening in the economy in ways that would have once seemed unimaginable. This blog thread explores the responses to the pandemic emerging around the world, and the policy proposals and practical approaches that might see us emerge, re-set and equipped to respond to the interlinked crises in climate, nature and inequality.

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The challenge we are currently facing is unprecedented in its scale, nature and impact. Around the world governments are intervening in the economy in ways that would have once seemed unimaginable. This blog explores the responses to the pandemic emerging around the world, and explores the policy proposals and approaches that might see us emerge, re-set and equipped to respond to the crises in climate, nature and inequality

After coronavirus, focus on the climate emergency

In a letter to the Guardian, Colin Hines makes the case for an ambitious Green New Deal for the UK, to rebuild the economy after coronavirus and tackle the interlinked social and climate crises.

Converting industry – how rapid transition happens in crises and upheavals

Several other times have revealed the ability for rapid industrial conversion, not just to tackle tragic but transient challenges, but long-term economic and geo-political shifts. What are the lessons about industrial conversion for the long term, rapid transition to a low carbon economy, not just from the pandemic response, but also ranging from conflict to the end of the Cold War? asks Green New Deal group member Andrew Simms on the Rapid Transition Alliance blog.

How fresh economics can tackle coronavirus and climate change

In a letter to the Guardian, Green New Deal group member Colin Hines makes the case for “green QE” to fund a global green new deal that can transform the health of the planet and build a very different economy for a post-coronavirus world.

Time for a genuinely civil, civil contingencies response

We know that strong and informed leadership is essential in disaster response. But we also know that local community response, both formal and informal, is the key to protection and recovery. Whether it is a small island state in the South Pacific recovering from a cyclone strike, New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, or an inner city neighbourhood rebuilding after a fire atrocity, local communities invariably are the primary responders to disaster. It’s a dynamic recorded by author Rebecca Solnit in her book ‘A Paradise Built in Hell’, which looks at a wide range of historic and contemporary disasters. The degree to which communities succeed reflects how the quality of local relationships, the strength of local economies, the agency, resources and capacities of local people have been enabled to thrive or suppressed.

A plan to survive the economic crisis

Writing for his Tax Research blog, Green New Deal member Richard Murphy sets out a plan for the economic crisis triggered by coronavirus. The draft plan includes measures to safeguard those whose employment has been affected or who are suffering hardship including the cancellation of tax payments to government, legislation to freeze repayments of a range of loans, the cancellation of rent obligations and the nationalisation of utilities. Then, when the immediate crisis has passed – Richard proposes the creation of new commissions to explore a range of areas including the restructuring of the economy, land ownership, work and the transition to a post carbon economy.

The Green Bridge: From Tackling Coronavirus to Tackling Climate Change

Writing for Brave New Europe, Green New Deal Group member Colin Hines makes the case for medium term efforts to tackle coronavirus to act as a ‘green bridge’ for tackling climate change.

“Of course the key question is how can these medium term efforts to deal with the coronavirus be built on and turned into a permanent green bridge towards tackling climate change. The key in the view of the IEA’s executive director Fatih Birol, is for governments to use green investments to help counter the global slowdown. He said “We have an important window of opportunity. Major economies around the world are preparing stimulus packages. A well designed stimulus package could offer economic benefits and facilitate a turnover of energy capital which have huge benefits for the clean energy transition.””