‘Reset’ inquiry

Our first inquiry, Reset, was carried out in 2020 to gather views from a wide range of people on how they wanted the economy and society to look following the Covid-19 pandemic. 

The inquiry consisted of: 

  • A representative poll of 2,000 people 
  • An open call for written evidence which received more than 57,000 responses 
  • In-depth workshops involving 108 people 
  • Evidence from 17 experts.

We found widespread public support for the government to take steps to completely reshape everyday life in Britain, with more flexible working, a shorter working week and more vibrant neighbourhoods so people can play a meaningful role in their communities and act for the common good. 

Two reports were produced as part of the inquiry: one analysing the evidence gathered, and a subsequent policy report setting out a package of proposed policy changes arising from our findings. 

The inquiry also has its own website where all the reports and written evidence can be found, as well as details of the many people and organisations who were involved in the project. 

During this period, we also worked with the Rapid Transition Alliance, whose ‘Lessons from Lockdown’ series can be found here.