Resilient response

step change

The green new deal

Around the world governments are intervening in the economy in ways that would have once seemed unimaginable. This blog thread explores the responses to the pandemic emerging around the world, and the policy proposals and practical approaches that might see us emerge, re-set and equipped to respond to the interlinked crises in climate, nature and inequality.

Lessons from Lockdown from the Rapid Transition Alliance

For several months the Rapid Transition Alliance, co-founded by Green New Deal Group member Andrew Simms asked people to share their experiences of lockdown and see what lessons people might have for bringing about a rapid transition, and living happier, more caring and less polluting lives. The Rapid Transition Alliance received an inspiring, hugely varied collection of personal stories, insights and reflections. They have organised the lessons around three big themes: how we can look after each other better as societies, how more space for people and nature can be found, and how those who already have enough can thrive with less ‘stuff’.

The world wasn’t ready for a Green New Deal in 2009. Today, it may be

Writing in the Guardian, the papers economics editor and a founding member of the Green New Deal group, Larry Elliott explores the opportunities that were missed in 2008 when the group first explored a transformative Green New Deal, what has changed since then and asks: If not now, when?

After coronavirus, focus on the climate emergency

In a letter to the Guardian, Colin Hines makes the case for an ambitious Green New Deal for the UK, to rebuild the economy after coronavirus and tackle the interlinked social and climate crises.

Converting industry – how rapid transition happens in crises and upheavals

Several other times have revealed the ability for rapid industrial conversion, not just to tackle tragic but transient challenges, but long-term economic and geo-political shifts. What are the lessons about industrial conversion for the long term, rapid transition to a low carbon economy, not just from the pandemic response, but also ranging from conflict to the end of the Cold War? asks Green New Deal group member Andrew Simms on the Rapid Transition Alliance blog.

How fresh economics can tackle coronavirus and climate change

In a letter to the Guardian, Green New Deal group member Colin Hines makes the case for “green QE” to fund a global green new deal that can transform the health of the planet and build a very different economy for a post-coronavirus world.

The challenge we are currently facing is unprecedented in its scale, nature and impact. Around the world governments are intervening in the economy in ways that would have once seemed unimaginable. This blog explores the responses to the pandemic emerging around the world, and explores the policy proposals and approaches that might see us emerge, re-set and equipped to respond to the crises in climate, nature and inequality

MPs call for a National Energy Guarantee and green home upgrades

MPs call for a National Energy Guarantee and green home upgrades Green New Deal Group member Clive Lewis MP is proposing an amendment to the Government’s Energy Bill which would replace the current energy pricing system with a National Energy Guarantee – a free or...

We’re hiring! Green New Deal Group – Parliamentary co-ordinator

Based in the office of Caroline Lucas MP you will be working as part of her small team at Westminster to ensure the principles of the Green New Deal are retained and actively promoted; other MPs are actively involved in taking the concept forward; and to support the delivery of effective external communication to promote the Green New Deal. Find out more and apply for the role.

Prospects for 2022: Andrew Simms reads the economic runes

Each year the Financial Times polls a group of economic analysts on what they think the next year holds in store for the UK. Green New Deal Group member Andrew Simms took part in the survey, and argues that huge economic threats are balanced by equally large opportunities to solve multiple problems by investing in the economy’s low-carbon, rapid transition