In the media
Funding energy efficiency needs to become a central climate policy for a successful COP in Glasgow
Writing for Green Alliance, Colin Hines makes the case that an ambitious ’30 by 30′ programme to make the UK’s homes and other buildings energy efficient could be key to success at the 2020 Climate Change talks, hosted by the UK in Glasgow in November. Improving living conditions by making all homes and buildings energy efficient, eventually reducing the UK’s carbon emissions by up to 40 per cent, should be the target trumpeted at the Glasgow climate talks as the host country’s major contribution to addressing the climate emergency.
A Green New Deal offers hope for a better future – we need to set out a positive vision
Writing in a new collection of essays, Putting People at the Heart of the Green Transition, published by IPPR and WWF, Green New Deal member Caroline Lucas, writing with Ed Miliband and Laura Sandys, makes the case for the need for a clear vision at the heart of the Green New Deal.
A European Green New Deal to tackle climate change
The huge increase in support for a Green New Deal in Europe and the United States has led many groups, old and new, to clamour for such an initiative. Pamphlets have been written, placards designed, marches planned, but there is often a lack of detailed policies. Now we need practical policies to make it happen, says Green New Deal Group member Colin Hines.
How the Green New Deal was born
Eleven years ago, a group of economists and green thinkers sketched a radical plan to transform the economy and protect the environment. Today, their ideas have been embraced by Labour and US Democrats. Journalist Hettie O’Brien, interviewed Green New Deal Group member Ann Pettifor on the history and trajectory of the Green New Deal for The New Statesman.
At last there’s real hope for meaningful climate action
It’s been more than 10 years in the making, and is the top demand of the youth strikers gathering on Friday for the UK’s largest ever climate protest – which is why Friday is also the first attempt in Britain to put legislation in place to make a Green New Deal a reality for our country. Working with the Labour MP Clive Lewis, I am launching the full version of a Green New Deal bill (formal title, the decarbonisation and economic strategy bill), which sets out a transformative programme driven by the principles of justice and equity.
The Green New Deal: A Bill to make it happen
Published to coincide with the launch of the Green New Deal Bill, set down by MPs Caroline Lucas and Clive Lewis, this new report by the Green New Deal Group sets out what a Green New Deal will look like. The report, The Green New Deal: A bill to make it happen, explains what is in the Bill, formally known as the Decarbonisation and Economic Strategy Bill, and how it could transform all our lives for the better.
MPs launch Green New Deal Bill for the UK
As thousands gather for what is expected to be the UK’s biggest climate demonstration yet, MPs Caroline Lucas and Clive Lewis have launched the first legislative attempt to introduce a Green New Deal Bill in Parliament. The Bill aims to transform the infrastructure of our society at the scale and speed demanded by the science, and at the same time to fix an economic model that continues to fail the majority of people, as well as to destroy the planet.
Economics – A Crash Course: how a failing discipline is doing great harm & needs rethinking
Something is killing conventional economics and it’s probably an inside job. Reliance on abstract mathematics and absurd assumptions has brought the discipline into disrepute, even if politics and policy are still guided by the ghosts of its teaching. Nobody was...
Ann Pettifor’s ‘The Case for A Green New Deal’, published 17th September 2019
Published on 17th September 2019, by Verso, Green New Deal Group member Ann Pettifor’s book, The Case for the Green New Deal, explains what the Green New Deal is and, most importantly, shows how we can pay for it.
A ‘Northern Green New Deal Powerhouse’ could show the way for Europe and beyond
Writing for Brave New Europe Colin Hines explores ideas for kick-starting a Green New Deal where it is needed most, including the idea of a ‘Green New Deal Northern Powerhouse’