A green infrastructure initiative for jobs

The letter was in the Guardian this morning: Simon Jenkins is right to call for quantitative easing to be used to boost economic activity (We should cash-bomb the people, not the banks, 27 November), but wrong to suggest it should be spread to everyone...

If Miliband is serious about climate change QE is the answer

This letter was in the Guardian today: It was heartening to hear Ed Miliband say in his speech that tackling climate change is a passion of his and that solving it could be a massive job-generating opportunity (Report, 24 September). The inevitable question of how to...

People's QE is preferable to helicopter money

This letter was in the Guardian today: A new form of quantitative easing to fund green activity would strengthen the economy not only of the UK but also of the rest of Europe, were it to be introduced continent-wide. This approach would be preferable to the proposed...

Pension funds have a role in tackling climate change

This letter was published by the Guardian today: Laudable and crucial as Lord Stern’s and Carbon Tracker’s warnings are (Carbon bubble ‘creates global economic risk’, 19 April), their success will depend on the existence of a plausible,...